Get a hair cut and get a real job!
Well, he's done it. Jeff's given up the self-employment lifestyle and has matriculated into the workforce as a maintenance supervisor at a local nursing home here in Cleburne. It was kind of a surprise since I didn't really even know he was looking for a job. He just showed up at school today all dressed up and said "I got a job!" I think our lives are in for a big change. It was scary - money wise - with him being self-employed, but we always made it. On the upside, he was always available to take care of things and we could go out of town whenever we wanted. NOW - the fun has ended. Yes, we'll have more cash, but at what other costs?
Dash-it-all why does every silver lining have to have a cloud? I certainly DO want to have my cake and eat it too. What's the point of having cake if you can't eat it? I've never understood that metaphor.
So...that's big news - ALSO, it was the 100th day of school today, much celebration was had by all in my class. Oh yeah, they all worshipped me today. Anytime the teacher lets you sing, do jumping jacks, and eat stuff she becomes the BEST TEACHER EVER!
I also go the cutest note from one of my kid's dads. It was addressed to me, Mrs. Cotten from (I'll change his name)" Jim Smith, Jim Smith Jr's Dad." Apparently, Jim forgot his reading book at school and Mr. Smith was writing to tell me and say that he would help him with it tonight. He also said he was sorry for the "inconvenient". But he always signs his notes "Jim Smith, Jim Smith Jr.s Dad" It's cute. And I do have to say, Jim is the sweetest most gentlemanly six year old I've ever met. You rock, Jim Smith, Jim Smith Jr's Dad!