If only I were a Quaker.....

So, it's almost 2 a.m. and here I am in all my nerdyness looking up stuff on the internet. What can I say? I have an unquenchable thirst for knowledge.
Ok, well, there is a reason behind the compulsive need-to-know. Jeff's out of town (again) and my friend and I go out for a girl's night of dinner and a movie. Sort of a chick date, you know? It was TOTALLY fun, full of painful laughing and a RIVETING game of air hockey.
Somehow, we got on the topic of spiritual warfare and the discovery of Noah's Ark. Don't ask me how, but one rule of girl's night is that the topics MUST be completely random. It's one of those unwritten yet understood by all females rules.
So, she says she's never really heard of spiritual warfare and I'm faced with trying to explain it in 50 words or less. (That's about how long I had until the movie would start) So, without really knowing myself what it is, yet knowing that I do I believe in it much hilarity ensued with the swatting of imaginary demons.
Also, somehow Noah's ark came up (I refer to the aforementioned randomality clause) and I refer to a TV show I saw years ago where they claim to have found the actual ark. She says in not so many words that it was bull-honkey. Well, we discuss the possibilities without much heavy debate and move on to more random topics.
In suit with my nerdish tendencies, upon arriving home, I quickly hit the web for answers. As far as the Noah's Ark thing is concerned, my first search turned up exciting results. The website had all these great photos and scientific sounding evidence supporting the find, but I thought that I better keep looking. Aaaaaaand low and behold, I hit paydirt- ok NO, it hasn't been found, for sure. But there are conflicting statements and it just keeps coming up inconclusive. Apparently this guy named Ron Wyatt claimed to have found it and had a show (which is probably the one I saw) and sold videos and had people go on tours and stuff, but it's claimed that he was really a fraud. Scientist THINK, however, that the ark IS probably is up in the Ararat mountains of Turkey, though. They just don't think it's where this Wyatt guy says it was and pretty much called him a "liar, liar, pants on fire". The mountains of Turkey are very tall and covered in a cap of ice most of the year. It is also very cloudy so it is nearly impossible to get clear satellite images of the area. The only photos clear enough were taken in 1999 (or near then) when Turkey experienced and unusually warm summer. People have been on expeditions up there, but it's very difficult terrain to navigate and nothing concrete has ever been found. So - I was wrong, I admit it. Hey - how was I to know you can't believe everything you see on TV.
As for the other thing - the spiritual warfare topic. That's a tough one. I found a really good website explaining a lot about it. I really like the name, it's called Spiritual Warfare and You. Funny, huh?
It talks about what spiritual warfare is and what it isn't and compares some popular ideas to scripture and explains their validity. It reconfirmed my belief in the sanctity and power of God as creator and controller of all things and my belief in the victory of Christ. Basically, God is in control, we've already won the victory over sin and death, but Satan and his homies have limited power here on Earth - which is also controlled by God. Satan is a big sissy who thinks he still has a shot. Honestly, he must know he doesn't, but just wants to take as many people down with him as he can. He's the worst.
I did have a chance to think about some things in a new way. One part of the site talked about how we're not called to cast out demons or continually bind Satan, but James tells us to "resist" the devil. (Which consequently comes from one of my very favorite verses) Submit yourselves to God, resist the devil, and he will flee from you. James 4:7
The Bible tells us whatever things are good, and pure - to think on those things. It also reminds us that God has the power here, not Satan. There is no need nor cause for fear. Fear is not of God and allowing fear is to allow Satan a power he has no right to.
Anyway, I know that I'm a big ole dork for Googling stuff like this in the middle of the night - but hey, this is just a big ole' brain that I can't turn off.
And, although, there is not a soul out there who will long to read this long winded speech, I feel more at ease with my own beliefs and since this blog is ALL about me - I'm satisfied!
Now, I will go and dream of foam goat-men, flying film canisters, and Heath Ledger. (A few topics from the night of random conversation)
Only freaks worship objects. I just think it would be cool. For example, I wanna go to Jerusalem and see the streets where Jesus would have walked - to see the sights He would have seen and hear the sounds He would have heard. It doesn't prove my faith - for the whole purpose of "faith" is that it doesn't have to be proved.
You can't not do something because you're afraid someone might not make the best use of it. If that's the case we shouldn't have invented the wheel because some people have run over other people.
Of course it's on a mountain! That's where it landed - the Bible tells me so. And - yes - I am a nerd..and proud of it. I think I'm going to start a society. We'll have sentence diagraming parties and Word Workouts. We'll have brie and some kind of smart peole drink - TANG! Eventually we'll perfect our plan for world domination and crush all stupid people under our feet. It's gonna be great! You should totally join.
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